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Look Who's 4 T-shirt
Sale Price: $17.90
A fourth birthday t-shirt with an appealing owl design, purple balloon, a birthday numeral 4 and name personalization is the perfect combination for any fourth birthday present or birthday celebration.
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Look Who's 4 T-shirt
Birthday festivities are not complete for your four year old without some kind of gift to commemorate her special day. This appealing t-shirt, with its wise little shocking pink owl completes the design, along with a purple balloon suspended from its wing and a bright and bubbly number four balancing on a horizontal tree branch to round out the picture. What more fun could our birthday girl have with such a vivid graphic and a plump number 4 with her name beneath it all on a soft, cool cotton t-shirt. She will love her fourth birthday over and over.
A number of styles, colors and sizes are offered with this t-shirt. The actual print colors are restricted to what is shown in the example.
Celebration Shop

Celebration Gifts
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