Girls Irish Colors T-shirt
Sale Price: $19.90
Irish Girls and Infants T-shirt sparkles with dazzling rhinestones in the colors of the Irish flag. The word Irish in three colors, emerald green, crystal (white) and orange.
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Girls Irish Colors T-shirt
The girls Irish Colors T-shirt has the word Irish in the colors of the Irish flag, in rhinestones. The letters are split between the colors of the flag; green, white and orange. A fun shirt for your irish daughter to wear on St. Patrick's Day or any day of the year. If she is proud to be Irish, she will move wearing her glittering t-shirt. This design can be applied to both toddler and girls shirts, in sizes from 3-6 months to Child 12.
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Celebration Gifts
For all your celebrations - birthdays, holidays, newborn babies - a sparkling rhinestone T-shirt can be a fun addition to the festivities.