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Fifth Birthday Balloons T-shirt
Sale Price: $17.90
Gifts bring joy and happiness on any occasion, and a firth birthday celebration falls under the joyous category. A balloon t-shirt with a gleaming number, encircled by five brightly colored balloons, and a quantity of gifts beneath it all, brings together all the right party elements.
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Fifth Birthday Balloons T-shirt
Your soon-to-be five little girl probably has some idea of the sort of birthday party celebration she would like to have, and this balloon t-shirt could be part of a perfect party theme, as five multicolored balloons surround her birthday age. She will appreciate that there are as many balloons as her age and will enjoy receiving such a comfortable and appropriate gift, especially on her birthday. She will be proud to wear her balloon t-shirt on her birthday and beyond and will recall those five balloons and prettily wrapped packages in the process.
There are numerous colors, styles and sizes with this t-shirt design. Print colors are restricted to what is shown in the pictured example.
Celebration Shop

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